Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Basic questions

Basic computer questions:

1)      what is a computer:- a computer is an electronic device consisting of many components that carry out arithmetic and logical operations

2)      what is a program:- A program is a set of instructions written by a programmer to perform specific tasks

3)       algorithm:- is a computer technique used to get the job done

4)       Software:- is a collection of programs that provide the instructions for a computer

5)      Hardware:- refers to the physical parts that make up a computer system

6)       Execution:- is the process by which a virtual machine/OS carries out a process

7)   Computer Systems :- system of interconnected computers that share a central storage system and various peripheral devices such as a printersscanners, or routers

8) Operating System :-  It is a collection of softwares that manages computer hardware 

resources and provides common services for computer program

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